Elder Farm & Forage

Elder Farm & Forage
Inspiration: Printemps (Springtime), Émile Bernard
Designer: Morgan Wagner-Holtz
“Morgan Wagner-Holtz is the owner of Elder Farm & Forage in Windham, Maine, farming on the unceded land of the Wabanaki people. Born February 19, 1989, she was raised in Southern California and moved to Maine in 2014. She prides herself in a wild and whimsical design aesthetic, complimenting classic refinery with artful farmhouse vibes. She draws her inspiration from the natural palette of coastal Maine, using both cultivated and foraged elements to bring a multi-sensory experience to the vase. It is her goal as a local farmer-florist to help make the healing power of flowers more accessible and ecologically responsible for her community. In her free time she loves to travel and consume as much music as possible, saying hello to every dog along the way. ”
INSTAGRAM: @elderfarmandforage