Youth Art Month at the Portland Museum of Art is an annual exhibition showcasing the incredible talent in Maine’s art education programs.
In collaboration with the Maine Art Education Association (MAEA), the PMA is honored to present artwork made by young artists in our communities. Youth Art Month is also an opportunity to highlight the art educators in our schools and the importance of and access to quality art programs. Art educators help to inspire and empower young artists, creating avenues for young artists to express their creativity, find their voice, and cultivate communication skills.
Youth Art Month shines a spotlight on the power of art, especially for youth. We hope that this one-month-long exhibition helps to garner support and advocacy for youth art access all year round.
Youth Art Month is supported by the Onion Foundation, Sam L. Cohen Foundation, Sibley-Saltonstall Charitable Foundation, and the Peggy L. Osher Education Endowment at the Portland Museum of Art.
Corporate Support:

The PMA is proud to partner with MAEA (Maine Art Education Association) for Youth Art Month.
Explore the virtual gallery
Over 80 artworks were submitted to YAM 2024 from students and teachers across the state of Maine. The art on view explores themes around identity, the natural world, home, and portraiture. Scroll through all the artworks below to learn more or use the search bar to find exactly what you’re looking for.
K-4th grade 5-8th grade 9-12th grade
Use the search bar below to navigate to specific artworks, students, or grade levels.
K–4th Grade
Lucas Quinonez-Finch, Untitled
Tissue Paper Collage
Boothbay Region Elementary School
Boothbay Harbor, ME
Lincoln County
Teacher: Jessica Nadeau
Keiraye L., Untitled
4th Grade
Watercolor Pencils, Paper, Fine Line Sharpie
Harrison Lyseth Elementary School
Portland, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Ellen Handelman
Abbas A., Mushroom Forest
4th Grade
Saccarappa Elementary School
Westbrook, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Cheri Juniewicz
Mohamed A., Self-Portrait with Pattern
1st Grade
Vine Charcoal, Graphite, Sharpie, and Oil Pastel on Paper
Presumpscot School
Portland, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Kelly McConnell
Mason Barr, Self Portrait
4th Grade
Crooked River Elementary School
Casco, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Evelyn Abrams
Alisa Bond, Untitled
2nd Grade
Marker and Tempera Paint
Windham Primary School
Windham, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Jennifer Vasiliauskas
Kaleb Brennan, Life Underwater
2nd Grade
Tempera, Sharpie
Vivian E. Hussey School
Berwick, ME
York County
Teacher: Elise Row
Gabriella C., A Flower Lady
2nd Grade
Tempera Paint
Washburn Elementary School
Auburn, ME
Androscoggin County
Teacher: Lynda Leonas
Seren DeSouza, Self-Portrait
4th Grade
Colored Pencil
Congin Elementary School
Westbrook, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Rachel Somerville
Mouch D., Blue Texture Paint
4th Grade
Acrylic on canvas
Portland Housing Authority Riverton Park Study Center
Portland, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Bridget McAlonan
Charlie Ellebracht, Sea Creature Robots
3rd Grade
Colored pencils
Sebago Elementary School
Sebago, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Brenda McGuinness
Lilah Fitzgerald, Elephant Symmetry
2nd Grade
Watercolor paint and oil pastels
Songo Locks Elementary School
Naples, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Evelyn Abrams
Oliver F., Chalcus
4th Grade
Copper foil, India ink, and colored pencil on black construction paper
Manchester Elementary School
Manchester, ME
Kennebec County
Teacher: Laura Damon
Camden G., A Maine Lighthouse
3rd Grade
Wells Elementary School
Wells, ME
York County
Teacher: Jenna Larochelle-Parry
Eliot Gauvin, Untitled
3rd Grade
Sharpie and Tempera
Great Falls Elementary School
Gorham, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Allie Rimkunas
Oscar Havumaki, Maine Coon Cat
2nd Grade
Graphite pencil
Waynflete School
Portland, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Mary Rehak
Natalie Hebert, Cardinal
4th Grade
Embossed Foil and Sharpie Marker
Raymond Elementary School
Raymond, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Robin Greeley
Amelie K., Cereal-box Robot
1st Grade
Village Elementary
York, ME
York County
Teacher: Alexis Kochka
Lucas L., Untitled
2nd Grade
Chalk pastel on paper
Blue Point Primary School
Scarborough, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Jessica Chaples
Theron McCarthy, The Greatest Pumpkin Grove Ever
1st Grade
Oil Pastel, Ink and Watercolor
William H. Rowe School
Yarmouth, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Emily Landry
Nawal Mohammed, Untitled
4th Grade
East End Community School
Portland, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Melissa Maher
Isabella Moustrouphis, Mini Still Life
4th Grade
Canal Elementary School
Westbrook, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Melissa Perkins
Maverick Randall, The Ocean
4th Grade
Printmaking/Water Soluble Printmaking Ink
Berwick Academy
York County
Teacher: Ouda Baxter
Lucy Spydell, We are difrint
1st Grade
Pencil, colored pencil
Pleasant Hill Primary School
Scarborough, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Jessica Chaples
5th–8th Grade
Haddie Bickford, Neurographic Art
6th Grade
Mixed Media
Waterville Junior High School
Waterville, ME
Kennebec County
Teacher: Jaice Drozd
Sorel Rae M., Untitled
6th Grade
Fiber Art
Lyman Moore Middle School
Portland, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Jessica Crowley
Josie LeBlanc, La Créativité
5th Grade
Mixed Media, Clay and Fabric
Biddeford Middle School
Biddeford, ME
York County
Teacher: Samara Yandell
Nabaa A., Untitled
8th Grade
Lincoln Middle School
Portland, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Sara Gimeno
Estefania Andre, Untitled
7th Grade
Cardboard and Acrylic Paint
King Middle School
Portland, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Matt Tanzi
Mya Brown, Tiger's blood
5th Grade
Paper, pencil, sharpie, black water color paint, and construction paper
Mount Vernon Elementary School
Mount Vernon, ME
Kennebec County
Teacher: Nicole Blake
Lila B., Tropical
6th Grade
Oil Pastel
Maranacook Community Middle School
Readfield, ME
Kennebec County
Teacher: Hope Lord
Kayla Chen, Kayla
8th Grade
Pen and alcohol markers
Brunswick Junior High School
Brunswick, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Cory Bucknam
Orianna Conant, Untitled
7th Grade
Oil pastel and colored pencil
Lake Region Middle School
Naples, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Paige Cherrington
Carleigh C., Kendrick
6th Grade
Graphite Pencil
Middle School of the Kennebunks
Kennebunk, ME
York County
Teacher: Megan McConagha
Wayne Fails, Untitled
5th Grade
Tempera on paper
Stevens Brook Elementary School
Bridgton, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Gillian Brosnan
Peter Graffam, Cubist Self-Portrait
7th Grade
Paper and Oil Pastels
Biddeford Middle School
Biddeford, ME
York County
Teacher: Rachel Abimerhi Carswell
Anonymous, Nocturnal Chickadee
5th Grade
Pencil Illustration
Walton Elementary School
Auburn, ME
Androscoggin County
Teacher: Linda Leonas
Mariana Herszkopf, Blackbird
7th Grade
Charcoal on paper
Falmouth Middle School
Falmouth, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Simon Adams
Griffin Higgins, Untitled
6th Grade
Mixed Materials (watercolor paint, gouache, acrylic paint marker, permanent marker)
Shapleigh School
Kittery, ME
York County
Teacher: Aimee Sutherland
Marian J., Untitled
8th Grade
Acrylic paint, canvas board
Appleton Village School
Appleton, ME
Knox County
Teacher: Miki Glasser
Lillian Kew, Untitled
7th Grade
Tempera paint on Strathmore Bristol
Frank H. Harrison Middle School
Yarmouth, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Mike Hickey
Francisca K., Untitled
5th Grade
Marker print, wire, wood, paper
Howard C. Reiche Community School
Portland, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Allison Villani
Cordelia Kroll, Dragon Fruit
8th Grade
Sharpie and Colored Pencil
Berwick Academy
South Berwick, ME
York County
Teacher: Lisa Long
Madelyn Leeper, The Chain, By: Fleetwood Mac
8th Grade
Acrylic Paint on Paper
Gorham Middle School
Gorham, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Amy Cousins
Daphne McCannell, Untitled
8th Grade
Colored Pencil
Westbrook Middle School
Westbrook, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Abby Jacobs
Claire M., Untitled
5th Grade
Watercolors, Colored Pencils, Marker
Margaret Chase Smith School
Skowhegan, ME
Somerset County
Teacher: Autumn Cates
Shayleigh Mercier, Patches In My Universe
8th Grade
Watercolor and Sharpie
Lewiston Middle School
Lewiston, ME
Androscoggin County
Teacher: Tracy Ginn
Delaney M., Giraffe Eye
7th Grade
Oil Pastel on Paper
Brunswick Junior High School
Brunswick, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Kari McCarthy
Lilah P., Zentangle Bird
5th Grade
Narragansett Elementary School
Gorham, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Laurie Chiasson
Isabella Sansonetti, Books
5th Grade
Watercolor, permanent marker
Gerald E. Talbot Community School
Portland, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Sam O'Connor
Stella Scarks, The Iceberg's Last Sunset
5th Grade
Mast Landing School
Freeport, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Margaret Mountcastle
Meadow Straw, Digital Self-Portrait
8th Grade
Oak Hill Middle School
Sabattus, ME
Androscoggin County
Teacher: Jen Williams
Emily Tabor, Greenhouse
8th Grade
Black Foam, Acrylic Paint and Paint Markers
Middle School of the Kennebunks
Kennebunk, ME
York County
Teacher: Justine Lasdin
Oliviana Wallace, Florida Inspired Nature Scape
7th Grade
Watercolor on Paper
Wiscasset Middle High School
Wiscasset, ME
Lincoln County
Teacher: Shalimar Chasse
Milo Wissink, Coral Sculpture
6th Grade
Clay, Glaze
Falmouth Middle School
Falmouth, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Lily Celino
9th–12th Grade
Hana Garriepy, Keep Your Head Up
9th Grade
India Ink, Paint Pen, Colored Pencil
Kennebunk High School
York County
Teacher: Katie Mooney
Hannah Keller, The Target Beret
9th Grade
Morse High School
Bath, ME
Sagadahoc County
Teacher: Constance Panetski
Deirdre Harte, Captivity
9th Grade
Soft Pastels and Gel Pen
Morse High School
Bath, ME
Sagadahoc County
Teacher: Heather O’Neil
Zo D., Illuminated Letter
9th Grade
Casco Bay High School
Portland, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Harley Nimblett
Juliana R. A., Roadtrip
9th Grade
Westbrook High School
Westbrook, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Yagmur Gunel
Jackson P., Untitled
9th Grade
Digital Photography
Scarborough High School
Scarborough, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Elise Pelletier
Vienna T., Emphasis and Movement
9th Grade
Brass, Nickel, and Copper
Belfast Area High School
Belfast, ME
Waldo County
Teacher: Heidi O’Donnell
Fionna Moran, Human Nature
12th Grade
Acrylic and Beeswax Crayon on Board
Yarmouth High School
Yarmouth, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Holly Houston
Bryn Campbell, Battered Peeps
12th Grade
North Haven Community School
North Haven
Knox County
Teacher: Alix Martin
Ella Fessler, Work Work
12th Grade
Photography, Photoshop
Portland Arts and Technology High School
Cumberland County
Teacher: Liz Long
Olivia Hanley, Untitled
12th Grade
Watercolor and ink on paper
Waterville Senior High School
Waterville, ME
Kennebec County
Teacher: Suzanne Goulet
Samantha Kilgore, Untitled
12th Grade
Mixed media
Lake Region High School
Cumberland County
Teacher: Ian Carlson
Samantha DiNallo, Dichotomy
12th Grade
Oil paint and Acrylic Paint Pen
Kennebunk High School
Kennebunk, ME
York County
Teacher: Brendan Roddy
Allie T., Untitled
12th Grade
Brunswick High School
Brunswick, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Brad Williams
Kaden Felts, Fox in Hares Clothing
12th Grade
Acrylic on Canvas
Lake Region High School
Naples, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Teal Carlson
Quintin Enger, Riverbank Reflections
12th Grade
Digital image
Westbrook High School
Westbrook, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Matthew Johnson
Daniel Landry, Vase of Roses
12th Grade
Ceramic Sculpture with Glaze
Deering High School
Portland, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Chad Hart
Conner Johnston, Tiger
12th Grade
Oil Pastel on Paper
Foxcroft Academy
Dover-Foxcroft, ME
Piscataquis County
Teacher: Martha Ladd
Minka Holtrop, Dairy Cows
12th Grade
Sharpie Pen on Empty Milk Carton
Freeport High School
Freeport, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Kimberly Medsker-Mehalic
Kaitlyn Walls, Against the Kitchen Floor, Part 1
12th Grade
Guache, colored pencil
Lisbon High School
Lisbon Falls
Androscoggin County
Teacher: Pamela Bois
Ornuma V., Golden City Lights
11th Grade
Photography - Digital
Brunswick High School
Brunswick, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Jennie Driscoll
Elisabeth W., Untitled
11th Grade
Drawing Pencil on Paper
Portland High School
Portland, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Louis Lachapelle
Abby Terreri, Self Doubt
11th Grade
Acrylic and Chalk
Leavitt Area High School
Turner, ME
Androscoggin County
Teacher: Iva Damon
11th Grade
Linoleum cut
Maine Coast Semester at Chewonki
Wiscasset, ME
Lincoln County
Teacher: Monique Boutin
Oliver Black, Untitled
11th Grade
Falmouth High School
Falmouth, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Nisu Seder
Vira Brusko, Preservation of Underwater Nature
11th Grade
Acrylic paint on wood panel
Yarmouth High School
Yarmouth, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Melissa Sylvester
Carly Burnell, Divine Chaos
11th Grade
Mix Media on Canvas
Waterville Alternative High School
Waterville, ME
Kennebec County
Teacher: Jessica Jones
Josy Hollenbach, Playfulness and Personality
11th Grade
Mt. Ararat High School
Topsham, ME
Sagadahoc County
Teacher: Christine Del Rossi
Nora T., Hands That Hold The World
11th Grade
Acrylic and Oil on Matte Board
Edward Little High School
Auburn, ME
Androscoggin County
Teacher: Matt Peinado
Thomas Burns, Helmet
11th Grade
Sanford High School
Sanford, ME
York County
Teacher: Luke Hadley
Emily D.F., Untitled
11th Grade
Oil Pastel on Paper
Berwick Academy
South Berwick, ME
York County
Teacher: Raegan Russell
Makayla W., Greek Vase
11th Grade
Earthenware Clay, Underglaze, Terra Sigilatta, Wax
Lisbon High School
Lisbon Falls, ME
Androscoggin County
Teacher: Ellen Hodgkin
Jay Ackley, I Love My Dog
11th Grade
Acrylic Paint on Canvas
Brunswick High School
Brunswick, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Colleen Kearney-Graffam
Lilah Thomas, Lily
11th Grade
Felting Wool, Wire for Armature
Thornton Academy
Saco, ME
York County
Teacher: Dana Altman
Miles Ingrisano, Glimpse
10th Grade
Graphite on paper
Falmouth High School
Falmouth, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Susan Morse
Kassidy Vyas, metánonia
10th Grade
Earthenware, Black Underglaze, Clear Glaze
Scarborough High School
Scarborough, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Lisa Ruhman
Blaike Macfarland, Islamic Kaleidoscope
10th Grade
Tempera on Paper
Maranacook Community High School
Readfield, ME
Kennebec County
Teacher: Jeremy Smith
Dakotah T., Untitled
10th Grade
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
Waterville Senior High School
Waterville, ME
Kennebec County
Teacher: DaraLyn McColl
Mia Matos-Powers, Siblings During the Power Outage
10th Grade
Acrylic on Canvas
Camden Hills Regional High School
Rockport, ME
Knox County
Teacher: Carolyn Brown
Leo Porter, Empty Eyed
10th Grade
Charcoal and Chalk
Scarborough High School
Scarborough, ME
Cumberland County
Teacher: Erin Landry Fowler
Anonymous, Fish Out of Water
10th Grade
Yarn, fabric, ribbon
Westbrook High School
Cumberland County
Teacher: Charlotte Caron
Ghost T., Change
10th Grade
Acrylic on Canvas
Lewiston High School
Lewiston, ME
Androscoggin County
Teacher: Kate Cargile
Art Educator Highlights
Say hello to a few of our art educators that help make Youth Art Month possible!
Behind every YAM artwork is an educator supporting their student’s creativity and self-expression through the arts. We visited schools across Maine to meet with some of these art educators to ask why they decided to enter the profession, why the arts is so important to be taught to K-12 students, their involvement with YAM, and more.
“I chose to become an art educator to help students find their voice the same way my art teachers helped me to find mine.”
“Art education challenges students with different points of view, teaches them to empathize with others, and gives them the opportunity to reflect on the human experience.”
“Art is the tool that students didn’t know they needed to make positive changes in their lives.”
Youth Art Month Receptions
Saturday March 9, 2024
All artists, educators, and their families are invited to the Youth Art Month celebration in-person at the PMA on Saturday, March 9, 2024:
K–4th grade at 3:30 p.m.
5th–8th grade at 4:30 p.m.
9th–12th grade at 5:30 p.m.
More information will be emailed to caregivers and educators.

More Information
Explore the pages below to discover more ways to connect with the PMA online. Check out PMA Classroom activity guides or share your artwork in the Susie Konkel Family Gallery.
Everyone 21 and under receives free, unlimited admission to the PMA with with the Susie Konkel Pass! Plan your visit today.
Questions about Youth Art Month? Email learning@portlandmuseum.org