Shapes in Space
Inspired by Fernand Leger’s Untitled
Fernand Léger (France, 1881 - 1955), Untitled, 1937, oil on canvas, 25 5/8 x 36 7/8 inches. Bequest of Ellen Hunt Harrison, 1996.8.14.
Materials Needed
Colored paper (tip: if you don’t have colored paper, you can use paint or markers to color white paper)
Glue or tape (OPTIONAL)
Plain paper for “finished product” (OPTIONAL)
Cut the colored paper into a variety of shapes (triangles, circles, squares, lines, squiggles, etc.)
TIP: if you need shape inspiration, check out Leger’s painting!
Look closely at the painting above
· Ask:
What shapes do you see?
What do the shapes remind you of?
This painting is untitled, if you could give it a title, what would you title it?
Use the colored shapes that you cut out earlier to create your own composition inspired by Léger’s.
Think about how to layer shapes so that you create a sense of space. How will you create movement through your composition?
When you have a composition that you feel good about, tape or glue the shapes down onto your plain paper
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