“Seeing through the eyes of members of a different culture is the lofty goal of ethnography, and AUDIBLE achieves it.”
39 minutes. Rated PG-13. Directed by Matthew Ogens. In ASL and English with English subtitles.
Shaken by a friend's suicide, a deaf high school football player copes with family and relationships while anticipating his final homecoming game.
The screening of Audible will be followed by a community panel discussion with Maine Behavioral Healthcare.
Maria Hammond aka Mars is a native Mainer since birth and has been a Deaf Case Manager at Maine Behavioral HealthCare (MBH) since 2016. Maria provides case management services with diverse individuals and/or families through-out Maine and collaborates with agencies, private practices, hospitals, and others. She is certified with Mental Health and Rehabilitation Technician/Community (MHRT/C) and recently became a clinical case manager level two since 2020, doing additional and fun work at MBH. She is also on a Deaf Services team to do contracting work with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), providing consult, outreach, training, educational webinars, and so on. Maria is fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) and Cued Speech. Maria is highly motivated and passionate about learning new and current clinical methods and techniques used in supportive counseling; increasing her knowledge and understanding of mental health such as Misophonia and other disabilities in order to work in the community and providers.
Terry Morrell has been at the Department of Labor (DOL) in Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) since December of 2011. He is the Director of the Division for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Late Deafened. Terry has a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree from the University of New England (UNE) and a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the University of Southern Maine. Terry was born Deaf, mainstreamed in public schools until the age of 13 then joined Governor Baxter School for the Deaf (GBSD) and graduated from GBSD in 1981. Terry graduated from University of Southern Maine (USM) Social Work Program in 1997 and then graduated from UNE MSW program in 1998. He is an LCSW. He has over 30 years of experience working with, supporting, and advocating for people who are Deaf, hard of hearing and late deafened. He was President of Maine Association of the Deaf for three terms from 2015-2021.
Danielle Loring is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Manager of the Emergency Department Crisis Program through Maine Behavioral Healthcare. She manages the crisis program within 7 MaineHealth Emergency Departments across the state of Maine. Danielle is a graduate of Columbia University where she achieved her Master of Social Work Degree specializing in Advanced Clinical Practice. She conducted her clinical training in the City of New York, as well as in her home state of Rhode Island. She has a multitude of experience in the diagnosis, assessment and treatment of those at highest risk within various contexts, including: the emergency department, inpatient psychiatric hospital, school-based day treatment and community mental health settings.
Darlene Freeman is the quality improvement specialist for the federal HRSA grant as a contractor with MECDHH. She is also on the board of Maine Hands & Voices and a Parent Guide for their Guide By Your Side Program. Darlene previously worked as the Parent Consultant for the Maine Newborn Hearing Program. She and her husband, Larry, have 5 children. Their youngest daughter, Deaven, is deaf. Darlene enjoys supporting families on their journeys with their children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
My name is Tia Nielsen (she/her) and I am the medical assistant for The Gender Clinic at The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital. My healthcare career started as a CNA at Maine Medical Center, Mother-Baby Care in 2015, and I joined The Gender Clinic team in February 2020. I have a passion for pediatric and adolescent healthcare. I will graduate in the spring of 2023 with a Health Science degree with a concentration in healthcare education. I have three children, 14 year old (they/them), 12 year old (she/her) and 4 year old (he/him).