Dahlov Ipcar | Blue Savanna
Best for ELEMENTARY (PK-5)
Dahlov Ipcar (United States, 1917–2017), Blue Savanna, 1978, oil on canvas, 36 1/16 x 50 1/4 inches. Gift of the artist, 1987.58
What Maine Ed Standards will this lesson meet? What content areas does this lesson connect to?)
Geometric Reasoning
GR.C.1 Identify, describe, analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes based on their attributes.
Visual Arts
A2. Elements of Art and Principles of Design
Students identify and describe features of composition
SEL Competencies
Social awareness: Perspective taking, empathy
Relationship skills: Communication and active listening, social engagement
Responsible decision-making: Reflecting
What will students do/experience/think about, etc? What is the overall goal of the lesson plan?
Students will practice close looking and observation skills to examine Ipcar’s Blue Savanna.
Students will utilize the power of imagination to put themselves in the mind of an animal in the painting (Grades PK-2)
Students will explore the use of pattern in the painting to create their own tessellations (Grades 3-5)
What is the big question that this lesson plan seeks to explore or have students grapple with? Some activity guides may have similar essential questions
How does imagination help us explore artwork?
What is this artist trying to tell us about the natural world?
How do artists use pattern?